Sunday, April 7, 2019

Pipper's Podcast!

Hello again! It's me- Pipper the Scientist Cat. Today I'm announcing some exciting news: I'm coming out with a new podcast for you, friends, or mom + dad to listen to!

My goals for the podcasts are:

1. To answer any questions you the view may have about previous blog posts. If you would like to submit a question for me to answer you can either:

a. Leave a comment here on the blog
b. Tweet Pipper @PtSC

2. The other goal of the new podcast is to expand on the topics we touch on here. While the blog will continue to provide resource recommendations, the podcast is a good chance for me (or one of my associates- I, am a very busy scientist cat after all) to talk more about the science underlying those specific topics.

Head over to soundcloud to listen to Pipper's first ever podcast episode!

Finally, for today I wanted to share this video, it's hard to say what makes a cat like me 'tic' but this is a pretty good start:

Image result for science of cats gif

As always, N(o) SLoE! (Never Stop Learning or Exploring!)

Monday, April 1, 2019

Snack Attack

It's me again- Pipper the Scientist Cat!

Today we are talking about one of my favorite subjects- meal time! I'll be sharing resources that can help you, your teachers, and mom or dad learn about nutrition 🍎. Nutrition is particularly challenging subject to study as a scientist because there are a lot of variables- things that change and are hard to control for- which means it is hard to draw conclusions about cause-and-effect. So this week I'm providing carefully selected resources from trusted experts for you to learn more about how food is turned into energy by our bodies.

Here are my favorite resources for the week: 

1. Video to watch with your friends (oldie but a goodie!):

As always- never stop learning + exploring! I'm off to have a little snack...

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