Hello again- it's me- Pipper the Scientist Cat! Even though cats are considered pretty solitary creatures, today we are going to talk about herds- everyone likes to be pack of a pack!
Specifically I'll be sharing resources that can help you, your teachers, and mom or dad learn about herd immunity. The immune system is the collection of cells inside your body that's responsible for fighting off disease (colds, flu, even more serious conditions- scientists are working on understanding how immune cells can help fight cancer!). Herd immunity is the idea that once your immune system is able to protect you from a strain of virus (for example the cold you got last year!), your friend is more protected to! If you are less likely to come down with the bug, then the folks around you are less likely to be exposed to it! When this concept (idea) works on a population level (lots and lots of people) we call it herd immunity!

Here are my favorite resources for the week:
1. Experiments you can do at home or with friends: https://askabiologist.asu.edu/experiments/let-germs-begin
2. To watch with mom + dad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7DGeWlKu0Q
3. For teachers: https://vaccinemakers.org/lessons
For a laugh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_MaJDK3VNE
I'm herding out for now! As always, never stop learning + exploring!
💙-Pipper the Scientist Cat